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What can a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) offer you?

A Certified Aging In Place specialist designated home remodeler will help you make your home more “accessible and safe as you age.” Even if you don’t think you need additional task lighting, grab bars, and other home modifications for your own use, family members and visitors might. These specialists help you design and build an aesthetically pleasing, barrier-free living environment that allows you to remain safely in your or a loved ones’ home as you age.


As a Certified Aging In Place specialist, Freeland Home Remodelers

  • Addresses the unique needs of our aging adult population

  • Recommends appropriate aging-in-place home modifications that improve safety and facilitate mobility

  • Plans, manages and delivers common remodeling projects that fit current and future living environments

  • Recommends and implements solutions to common challenges that older homes pose for aging adults

  • Applies technical best practices to address accessibility, safety, security and mobility issues


A Certified Aging In Place specialist will provide options that allow you to maintain a quality of life in the home you choose. They allow those who are aging to do so in an environment that’s comfortable and familiar.

How Certified Aging In Place Specialists Work


When you retain a Certified Aging In Place specialist, you’re purchasing a service rather than a product. Certified Aging In Place specialists apply ‘been there’ experience and best practices for aging in place remodeling. They will approach your project in a way that supports your specific needs – now and in the future.


The Certified Aging In Place specialist begins by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your aging in place needs. If you decide to retain their services, this assessment will be included in their remodeling fee.



Paying For An Aging-In-Place Remodeling Project


Depending on your personal situation and the size of the remodeling project, you may choose to finance it from a home equity line of credit, a home loan or personal funds. 



Questions to ask a Certified Aging In Place specialist before you hire them:


  • What kind of renovating and remodeling experience do you have? Ask for examples and references.

  • How should I budget for this project? Costs are based upon what is needed to age in place. The lowest cost may not comprehensively serve your long-term needs.

  • If other family members or friends will be living with me, how do you integrate their aging in place needs into the remodeling plan?

  • How can other members of my family benefit from the aging in place remodel you will do in my home? 

  • How will remodeling increase my home’s energy efficiency and save me money on my electric and gas bills?

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